
Car Insurance

Life Insurance

Take care of those that matter the most!

Financial Protection for your family and loved ones
Optional additional riders
Flexible premium and face amount
Flexible combination of investment between unit linked and guaranteed


To face the future with peace of mind, a life insurance policy could be the most important decision you ever make. […]

Travel Insurance

Restaurant Insurance

A recipe for good coverage

One policy with multiple coverage
Competitive prices & conditions
Personalized and tailored policies
Efficient clients’ support

As a restaurant owner, you are at risk of facing a wide range of problems from fire damage to food waste, and possible employee or customer injuries. In this case, AXA ME provides you with […]

Pharmacy Insurance

Another reason to worry less!

One policy with multiple coverage
Very special conditions & prices
Covers main needs of Pharmacy
Consultancy services

Before you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, take care of the physical property of your pharmacy against certain causes. Whether you are an owner or a leaseholder, the multi-risk pharmacy insurance protects the actual building in which […]

Other Products

For those who seek more coverage

Protection against theft, natural disasters and more
Insure up to 3 staff members
Full coverage against work accidents
Upgrade your premises in all peace of mind

Fire and Allied Risks
We cover your premises against fires, explosions, lightning strikes, falling aircrafts, water damage, as well as natural hazards and others as […]

Home Insurance

Your peace of mind deserves security!

Several coverage’s within one package
Competitive packages
Attractive conditions
Quick protection

Keeping a home insurance policy grants you peace of mind. Due to some environmental disaster or accident on your property, a home insurance policy will protect you against possibly distressing financial loss if damage occurs to your home.
What […]

The first credit card by AXA Middle-East and VISA


AXA M.E. held, in collaboration with VISA, a press conference in Phoenicia Beirut during which it announced the launch of the first insurance credit card in the Levant to facilitate transactions with the clients.
In attendance was Mr. Roger Nasnas, Chairman of AXA M.E., Dr. Marwan Kaddoura, Chairman of CSC, Mr. Ramzi Sabboury, VISA Lebanon Country […]

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