Another reason to worry less!
One policy with multiple coverage
Very special conditions & prices
Covers main needs of Pharmacy
Consultancy services
Before you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, take care of the physical property of your pharmacy against certain causes. Whether you are an owner or a leaseholder, the multi-risk pharmacy insurance protects the actual building in which your pharmacy is located, your possessions, and your employees.
What does it cover?
- Fire (building and contents) and alike
- Burglary (contents) and hold up
- Third party liability (material damage and bodily injuries)
- Accident for the staff at work
Civil liability
insurance covers two types of damages, bodily injury and property damage. The purpose of civil liability insurance is to protect your assets as well as your clients and visitors in the workplace.
Property Damage:
- Fire and associated risks: Lightning strike, electrical, alarm, and air conditioning installations.
- Burglary: CONTENTS & In case of hold-up. Theft committed against you and/or your staff during transportation of funds, including cash and checks.
- Loss of Use: Loss of use of premises occupied by you following a covered incident
- Water damage: Leak, bursting or overflow
- Claims by neighbors: The financial consequences of your responsibility towards your neighbors
- Malicious acts, strikes, riots and civil commotions: Arising from the voluntary and conscious act by your staff or any other alien person, (deductible 10% of claim amount with a minimum of USD. 1,500.-)
- Natural disasters
- Glass breakage
- Machinery breakdown
- Deterioration of Stock
Bodily Injuries:
- Accidents at work for the staff
Accidents caused to employees in the workplace. - Lawsuits, investigations and settlements
If damages are filed against you, civil liability insurance covers:- The company’s investigation and attorney expenses:
Legal aid by a lawyer in the event of legal action due to a covered liability
- The company’s investigation and attorney expenses: