
Corporate Responsibility Week 2017


A Corporate Responsibility Week under the slogan “A Better Life”

“Empowering People to Live a Better Life!”

For the seventh consecutive year, AXA organized its Corporate Responsibility Week (CR Week) from June 5 to 11, 2017. The event is an annual gathering for all of the AXA Group employees. This year’s CR Week has itself a […]

AXA ME presence at NDU


As part of our Youth strategy for 2017, AXA ME visited NDU and hosted a stand in order to raise awareness for the Youth products.
The two-day booth exposure came a couple of days after the NDU rally paper which saw the AXA ME stand flooded with students, and potential youth customers for the entirety of […]

SME Insurance

Labor’s day of AXA ME


This year, AXA ME organized the “Labor Day”, bringing together all of its employees. The event took place on the 1st of May at Pineland Resort-Hamana followed by a lunch in the presence of AXA ME CEO Roger Nasnas and its GM Elie Nasnas.

The day consisted of various fun activities across the green fields of […]

AXA ME “Walk with Al Younbouh” 2017


As part of our community involvement, AXA ME’s joined hands again this year on May 7 with Al Younbouh in the annual “Walk for Al Younbouh” to raise awareness of the importance of integration of people with special needs into society.

AXA ME runs in Saida Marathon


AXA ME team participated in Saida Marathon on April, 23 2017 to support the Autism cause of the Orphan Welfare Society- Saida; whereby it covered the fees of their kids.

Sioufi Heights incident

Beirut Builders thanking AXA ME’s support on the effectiveness and swift effective resolution of the incident that occurred on January 27 at Sioufi Heights project due to a stormy weather accompanied by wind of high velocity. The incident damaged the building as well as private and public neighboring properties as a result of the fall […]

Annual lunch of AXA ME


The lunch of the end of the year festivities gathered the staff and close partners of AXA Middle East at Sultan Brahim restaurant Beirut Ain Saade, on Wednesday the 21st of December 2016.

The friendly and festive atmosphere was livened up by the “WAM – Walid al Masih” around a tombola and souvenir photos.

On the occasion, […]

Hospital Daily Indemnity Plan


HDIP provides daily income amount upon hospitalization as cash relief, for up to 60 days of hospitalization due to an accident.
HDIP has been designed to provide cash income during hospital stays as compensation for potential loss of earnings:


Geographical coverage : Lebanon.
Minimum age at enrollment is 18.
Maximum age at enrollment and renewal is 65.
HDIP is limited […]

Partner’s day event of AXA ME


This year, AXA ME’s partner’s day event took place on the 9th of September at the Zaarour.
With more than 120 participants, Partner’s Day 2016 was seen as one of the most significant and successful events for the brokers and employees where they were able to engage in friendly conversations and exchange opinions on various topics. […]

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